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My Canine Corner

At Pawsitive Interaction Dog Obedience, our goal is to provide training, tools and effective techniques for reinforcing your dog's behavior. A well trained dog is a happier dog. This section offers tips for you as the dog owner. 

if your dog or puppy has bitten, no one can guarantee you, he or she won't do it again. Your effort to remedy the problem can definitely help. Passing an aggressive dog or puppy into another home or shelter is not the answer. Take advantage of training your dog to recognize what kind of behavior is acceptable. Start early with socializing and placing emphasis on good house manners. 


Dogs and puppies go thru a phase when they can't stand being alone. Boredom can be one of the reasons why they dig. You can't teach your dog not to dig. Instead, there are alternative choices for your dog which will encourage them to stop bad behavior and replace them with ones you find acceptable. Basic training will offer your dog opportunities to find alternative ways to get your attention and remove chances for boredom. 


Most dog owners may not recognize that people don't always make for good walking partners for dogs. This is because a dog's natural instinct is to generally walk faster than humans. In reality, leash pulling is often successful for the dog because the person reinforces the pulling by allowing the dog to go wherever the dog may want. Training your dog to understand the consequences of pulling is the 1st step toward improving the loose leash technique. 

Basic Puppy 101

Good House Manners should be taught in puppyhood. A small puppy or adult dog, should learn to how to behave when left alone. Some dogs out of boredom or lack of training will make the house ther complete dog crate when owners allow them to roam free. Many owners do not like the idea of crating. If you fall into that category, training your dog to identify what is acceptable is essential. 

"Training a dog is like raising a child. Every single interaction is a training opportunity."


  - Ian Dunbar

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